Protecting Your Land from Adverse Possession

Adverse possession, a legal doctrine with significant implications, grants individuals the ability to claim ownership of land through occupation, even without the owner's consent. In Jamaica, the periods for which land must be held exclusively and without interruption by the individual claiming ownership are: 12 years for privately held land (in most cases) and an extended 60 years for government-owned parcels. To safeguard your property interests and mitigate the risk of adverse possession, it is essential to adhere to a vigilant set of measures and work with an attorney to develop an actionable strategy.

Initiating Prevention

The primary step in averting adverse possession is to assert your ownership. The installation of visible "private property" signs serves both as a deterrent to potential squatters and as a clear declaration that your land is not abandoned. Regular property inspections are essential to uncover unauthorized activities or structures promptly. These routine visits keep you well-informed about any developments on your land and enable you to take swift action against encroachments. Additionally, maintaining up-to-date property surveys is crucial for identifying boundary violations and unauthorized structures. An updated survey by a Land Surveyor provides the necessary documentation to address disputes effectively, ultimately ensuring your continued control over the land.

Maintaining Vigilance

In Jamaica, adverse possession, especially in rural areas, is relatively common. Squatters may acquire valid title to the land if they continuously control the property for 12 years, 'without force, without secrecy, without permission'. However, evidence of non-occupancy, payment of a lease, or the receipt of a notice to quit (eviction notice) during this period can disrupt the timeframe. Permission, or use of force or intimidation by the person will also affect their claim. Employing a professional surveyor for regular inspections to identify structures and occupancy is paramount. A third-party report may serve as solid evidence against adverse possession claims. Moreover, regular surveying or contracting property management sends a clear message that the property is actively maintained, often acting as a deterrent to potential ‘squatters’. This approach not only provides peace of mind but also reduces liabilities for landowners.

Prompt and Informed Action

Discovering squatters on your property necessitates immediate action. This may involve sending them a written notice to vacate or initiating a legal eviction process. However, the process of removing squatters can be intricate and time-consuming. It is strongly recommended to seek legal counsel from an experienced attorney before handling such matters independently.

Collaborating with an attorney allows property owners to assess the potential risks of adverse possession and develop a comprehensive strategy for effectively addressing the issue. For instance, it may be necessary to issue a formal ‘eviction notice’ and coordinate dialogue with the squatters to obtain evidence or negotiate their exit without court proceedings. Delaying action only complicates the situation further.

Don't leave your property's fate to chance. Ramsay & Partners is prepared to assist with safeguarding your property rights and assist in maintaining ownership of land that is rightfully yours. Call (876) 906-2616 today to schedule a consultation with our experienced legal team. We are committed to helping you protect your property from adverse possession and ensuring your peace of mind.

Sheldon Robinson